Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Special – TOEFL Idioms VIII

We’re back with some more TOEFL idioms! Last episode was fire and had lots of plays, so I’m back with some more! Drop out – stop going to school / a class / a club. In general, the rate at which US high school students has reached 43 percent in the past decade. Every other …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: TOEFL Idioms – Part VI

It’s been a LONGGG TIME, but I’m finally back with TOEFL idioms! I’m bringing to you today TOEFL idioms! It’s been about 4 months since I’ve done one of these, but I know my TOEFL learners have been asking me for a while, so it’s time to deliver! See eye to eyeA picture paints a …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 6 – Speaking & Reading – Using The Idioms

This is a very interesting and long blog for you guys. I decided to implement someone speaking AND READING into this blog. The speaking obviously will be in the podcast, but the reading is an additional task for you down below. Let’s see how you guys respond to this! Speaking Questions From the previous day, …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 3 – Episode 58 – Grammar – Present and Modal Passives

Boy! We’re getting to the end of this season, and it’s been such a LONGGGGGG series. Honestly, I don’t like stopping for long because then I would lose my listeners. Consistency is everything….and constantly pumping out content is even more important. So, let’s get into some of the harder areas of passive! The passive voice, …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 2 – Episode 49 – Vocabulary – Phrasal Verbs (Reading & Writing)

Some more phrasal verbs for my students out there! I’ve had a request from one of my ex-students to do more of these, so here I am — doing more of them!   Read these sentences.  Can you guess the meaning of the phrasal verbs in italics? I don’t want to stop now.  I seriously …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Special – TOEFL Idioms Part II

TOEFL idioms are back with part II.  This is the beginning of my new schedule which I launched yesterday.  So, let’s break down these idioms! Idioms Hit The Books – Study So when we say “hit the books,” this means to study. Usage: “I need to hit the books.” We use this only with a …

Arsenio’s ESL Blog: Special Segment – TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice

Welcome to my blog, everyone! For those of you who are returning, welcome back. For those of you who are new here, welcome to my first ever TOEFL IBT speaking practice. Although TOEFL IBT is becoming more obsolete (IELTS is replacing it), I figured I could give some guidance to some of you students out …

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