Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Mini-Series – Self-Sabotage – Five Speakers from Around The World

So unbelievably grateful to be launching a new series (mini-series) on my podcast over the next five weeks that talks about self-sabotage.  What is self-sabotage? That’s you making a poor decision which ultimately jeopardizes you from achieving success.  We make decisions all the time that are detrimental to all parties that are involved, so I …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 94 – Vocabulary Development – Describing Graphs (Two-Part Patreon)

Welcome back, everyone! Here’s some more IELTS language for you study-goers out there, as well as some sentences and an exercise at the bottom. I’ve gone over this in context about a month ago, but I have much more to cover. We use a range of vocabulary to describe points on a graph or to …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 95 – Pronunciation – Question Intonation

We’re back with another minor snippet of what’s to come! Love doing pronunciation podcasts, and remember, all of this will be implemented into a video course, so stay tuned! The intonation you use lets others know if you are making a statement or asking a question. Use the falling intonation for wh- Qs: Where would …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 93 – Reading – The Death of Languages (Patreon Special)

Welcome back to another ESL podcast, and today we have some reading! The Death of Languages, something that’s not spoken about, is a problem that’s currently being addressed by a handful of nations to preserve the “language” that’s dying. Here’s the read! Speaking How many languages do you think are spoken in the world? Which …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 92 – Speaking Task – The Present Unreal Conditional

Welcome back to another speaking task, everyone! Today I’ll be talking about the unreal conditional in a story-type way! I’ve done this before in grammar form, but now let’s get into it with the speaking version. You can use this to talk about something that is imagined, impossible, or “contrary” to fact. Form Example If …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 96 – Developing Writing – Describing a Place (Two-Part Patreon)

Welcome back to another Developing Writing segment! This is going to be a two-part Patreon special, so in the part that’s available to the general public, there will be lots of speaking and vocabulary development. If you want the writing bank and the layout of how to write about a place, you’ll have to tune …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 91 – Vocabulary Skill – Learning Word Families After Listening

Welcome back to another podcast on word families! This has been requested by a many of my students, and it’s always good to dive back into these types of podcasts, just to refresh the memory. So, here we go! When you learn a new vocabulary word, you can increase your vocabulary further by learning the …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 88 – Listening – Kindness as a Survival Skill

Welcome back to another listening, everyone! Today is about survival skills. Before the listening exercise in the podcast, I will discuss this, and so should you! Podcast What does it mean to be kind to someone? Rank the following 1-5 (1 = most kind; 5 = least kind_. Lend a friend some money. Do an …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Special – TOEFL Idioms VIII

We’re back with some more TOEFL idioms! Last episode was fire and had lots of plays, so I’m back with some more! Drop out – stop going to school / a class / a club. In general, the rate at which US high school students has reached 43 percent in the past decade. Every other …

Arsenio’s ESL Special – Patreon Sneak Peek – Teen Discrimination

Hmmmm, I was unfortunately part of this. In today’s Patreon Sneak Peek, we have a very unfortunate couple of students who ended up drawing the short stick because of discrimination. I have an even longer story in my podcast (on Patreon) that you guys would be intrigued by. Remember the letter of complaint? Yeah, in …

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