Stephen Covey’s “Smart Trust” Matrix

We’re back with another blog, although it’s been a long time making personal development blogs! Much apologies, but here’s an excellent Matrix, along with my explanation, in the podcast down below. Learning how to extend “Smart Trust” is a function of two factors — propensity to trust and analysis — which are juxtaposed on the …

Wheel of Life: July 2019 Edition – TAKE OFF!

Damn, about DAMN time! I mean, having about 300$ to my name (and I’m not saying that embarrassingly, either) was rough. Looking back and saying to myself, “I had x amount in my account and had to bitch at a part-time employer to pay me on-time). This was such a monster, and to be able …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 4 – Episode 85 – Vocabulary Development – Business Verbs

Welcome back, everyone! I’m going over some other things that I quite possibly have left out in the last season, so here they are! Make sure you’re tuning into the Patreon for the additional material I’m putting out! Match the words in bold with the correct definitions. Advertise Communicate Employ Invest Own Personalize Promise Report …

Stephen Covey: Families are Trust Organizations, too!

We’re back with family organizations and the speed of trust! Everything I’ve talked about up to this point, in this chapter, applies just as powerfully to the family as it does to any other organization. Families have greater trust when they are aligned, when they have structures and systems that recognize values and reward high-trust …

Stephen Covey’s Action Plan on Trust

As promised in my podcast, this is the action plan with behaviors 1-13 and here’s an excerpt, along with the action plan, so you can figure out what needs to be done intrinsically. In the beginning of this 13 behaviors section, I used a personal challenge for you to make this material highly relevant and …

High Trust Organization Dividends – Increased Value, Accelerated Growth

Oh, yes! We’re getting into high trust organization dividends now. Remember, when you add up the cost of all these taxes that are imposed in low-trust organizations, it’s apparent what the connection is between low trust, low speed and high cost. Increased Value The second dimension is customer value. As a result of the last …

Stephen Covey: The 7 Low-Trust Organizational Taxes – Turnover/Churn

Employee turnover represents a huge cost for organizations, and in low-trust cultures, turnover is in excess of the industry or market standard. I’m not talking about the desirable turnover of non performers, but the undesirable turnover of performers. Low trust creates disengagements, which leads to turnover — particularly of the people you least want to …

I got FIRED!

A phone call a year later had me left shaking my head: “ummm, why now? Why call me a year later after I had already spurned you the first time?” I was pretty confused, but at a time that money was absolutely essential, I said “fuck it. Let me shove the things that happened aside …

Stephen Covey: The 7 Low-Trust Organizational Taxes – Politics & Disengagement

In an organization, “politics” is defined as the use of tactics and strategy to gain power. Office politics divide a culture against itself by creating conflict with what author Lawrence MacGregor Serven calls the “enemy within” instead of the enemy without. Office politics generate behaviors such as withholding information, infighting, trying to “read the tea …

How to Effect Organizational Change — Checklist

What symbols exist in your organization? What do they communicate over to everyone else? Do they create trust? What are the results? Does my organization have Integrity? Do we know what we stand for? Do our structures and systems reflect a basic paradigm of respect and trust? Do we have a culture of honesty? Of …

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