Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Mini-Series – Self-Sabotage – Five Speakers from Around The World

So unbelievably grateful to be launching a new series (mini-series) on my podcast over the next five weeks that talks about self-sabotage.  What is self-sabotage? That’s you making a poor decision which ultimately jeopardizes you from achieving success.  We make decisions all the time that are detrimental to all parties that are involved, so I …

I got FIRED!

A phone call a year later had me left shaking my head: “ummm, why now? Why call me a year later after I had already spurned you the first time?” I was pretty confused, but at a time that money was absolutely essential, I said “fuck it. Let me shove the things that happened aside …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: International Guest Speaker – Dessi of Bulgaria

Had the super special privilege to bring Dessi on last weekend and boy, she talked about some very interesting things! Coming from communist Bulgaria, she was labeled as “lazy” and a “rebel.” When she finally ventured off to the Americas, she finally saw positive reinforcement in a society and realized that speaking English would bring …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Special – United States Visa Interview Questionnaire

Three of my students had gone in to take an interview at the United States Embassy in Bangkok.  Two of them passed and one of them failed.  How did she fail? Well, the common excuse is “he spoke to fast.”  However, that’s exactly what happened.  She wasn’t able to pick up the -wh question’; therefore, it lead …

Arsenio’s ESL Podcast: Season 3 – Episode 27 – Vocabulary – Cities & Houses

Welcome back to another episode, everyone!  You know, teaching British English, as an American teacher, is unbelievably confusing.  Blocks of flats would mean “projects” in America.  Cottages are regular homes but they come from fairy tales (the ones we see in the books).  It’s a lot of weird things, so here are some pictures and …

My Story

So, because my blog, podcasts, Instagram and other means of social media is gaining a lot of momentum, I think it’s time to finally introduce myself on a scale no one ever has. Mother/Father broke up in 97. Two step mothers and three elementary schools in a one year period. Father dropped my siblings and …

Spartan Beast: Hua Hin, Thailand — Signed Up + No Longer “Obese”

A few days ago I was jumping in JOY and ECSTASY.  Never have I ever been so elated because of a machine.  When I saw BMI (Body Mass Index) the other day, I saw the Physique ratings at standard.  Six weeks prior to this, my physique was apparently obese, although I look relatively thin.  My metabolism before …

Interviewee #17 – AJ’s Fitness Journey & Entrepreneurship

First time I met this man, I was in awe.  The size of him was unlike anything I had ever seen in my life.  If I can compare him to Evander Holyfield, one of America’s famous boxers, he’s a bit close.  Nonetheless, after chatting it up with him and hearing/seeing his charisma + his story, …

Motivation Mentors: Episode 004 Featuring Celina Celeste!

Hello, everyone! This is a special project I’ve been working on with another mentor and coach from Shroud, England by the name of Luke Burrows.  The focus of this is since we’re both mentors and coaches, we encourage people to send questions in throughout the week for them to be featured on our show.  On …

Travel Pod: Episode 3 – The Big 30 At Changi International Airport!

Wow.  What a journey.  I can’t be grateful enough for everything that has happened in my life.  Honestly, going back to where I was 10 years ago?! In a dying relationship, moving into a new apartment, but three months later, a girl by the name of Satomi Nakagawa came into my life — urging me …

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