Amazing podcast with Dan today! We talked about him moving to Russia, but most importantly, limiting beliefs, which will definitely hit home with a lot of my followers from Europe. Tune in!

Episode with Dan
Video with Dan


Speaker 1: (00:00)
Guys, welcome back to Arsenio’s ESL podcast. And you know what? I brought him onto my other podcast, motivational mentors recently and Ah, I saw him standing before a class and I’m like, boom, teacher, he’s got a story to share. And then I realized, and I heard before that even started, I heard his accent just a little bit and I’m like, Huh. And he said he lives in Los Angeles, but then I realize, okay, born in Russia, went to la, went back to Russia. And so this is a very, very interesting and compelling story that I’m going to take the majority or he’s going to take the majority of us on. So Dan, Matt, thanks so much for coming on. 

Speaker 2: (00:49)
Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Um, I’m glad to be here. And uh, as you said, yeah, I’d been, have to have, go back to Russia and uh, it was interesting because I haven’t been there in the wild, uh, great. More specifically, I haven’t been there in like 10 years. So in 10 years. Okay. No time span. A lot of things happens. You come back, people have changed, knew the things look different, the streets look different. And um, I was just shocked to see how much have changed inside of me when I ended up being there because I left when I left. So I was, I was, I initially came here when I was a kid, but then I went to visit a couple of times. So last time I was there was 10 years ago when I was 17. Um, and uh, this time around, um, when I came back I felt, I felt a huge shift inside of me because I came back to all the same. 

Speaker 2: (01:55)
The one thing about Russia, a lot of things don’t really change. Like for example, people there don’t move from house from like they don’t switch houses as often as they do in America. So like some people live there live in the same apartment for like 40, 50 years, you know? And so I come back to my neighborhood and everything looks pretty much the same. It’s the same apartment building. It’s the same house is the same trees and older people, they’re like all my neighbors, they’re still there. It’s just that they’re 10 years older and the, the, the only thing that’s 

Speaker 1: (02:38)

Speaker 2: (02:39)
prefer is me. So I kinda wet back, 

Speaker 1: (02:44)

Speaker 2: (02:44)
It’s my own past. But now I’m looking at it from my present perception. Just that was a really mind blowing. 

Speaker 2: (02:55)
Okay. Happened like that, you know, I was here and then I was there. You get on the plane 14 hours, you walk out new airport, but once you, once you get back to the neighborhood, it’s like you literally just revisited the same exact place that that was there. Um, that, you know, 10 years ago. And other things, I mean in the country things have changed. But on the micro level, you know, for example, uh, just as I described, um, everything was relatively the same and it was, it was crazy because I didn’t know how long I was going to be there for. That’s the thing. Before I would go there, I would get a, I’ll get a round trip tickets. So I know I’m going there and in two weeks I’m back. Okay. Right here. Because the reason that there was fair, my grandparents, um, I didn’t know how long it was going to take, so I could have been there for a month. 

Speaker 2: (03:52)
I could’ve been there for three months and I’d end up being there for six months. And having that uncertainty also, um, puts you in a different mindset because you’re no longer tours. It’s like, all right, like I’m living here, I don’t know when I’m going to get out of here. Um, but I have to maintain myself at [inaudible] at the most like highest potential that I could because I have to be in a good state of mind because he, I’m here for a particular person or a purpose here. I’m taking care of my grandparents, so I have to make sure that I’m, I myself, I’m doing fantastically amazing so I can deliver to them what they need. So I, I can, you know, do, do my best to get them back up on their feet. So yeah, it was, it was definitely a, um, a personal journey. I could tell that I can. 

Speaker 1: (04:40)
Wow. You know what? Okay. So what made you leave Russia to begin with at the age of 11? 

Speaker 2: (04:47)
My mom, she just, um, she uh, uh, immigrant. Great. And so I came with, 

Speaker 1: (04:52)
okay. All right. So when you actually went to America and what year was this? What year was this? Around 

Speaker 2: (04:59)
2000 2002. 

Speaker 1: (05:02)
Oh, okay. Okay. So you came to America around 2002 and so boy, I know it was difficult for you to, how was your Eaglesham and how were you able to adapt to the society? Were there problems that you had to overcrowd them and you know, societal issues and you know, fitting in because again, you’re going into like middle school years, if I’m not mistaken, just about right, right, right, right, 

Speaker 2: (05:27)
right, right. 

Speaker 1: (05:28)
Yeah. And this is, and this is Los Angeles too, right? 

Speaker 2: (05:32)
Well, initially it was Philly actually. Cause what I came center, yeah, I want to, if I felt lived in Philly and then I came to la. 

Speaker 1: (05:40)
Okay. Alright. So tell me what was the mindset? I’m telling you. I know you were like, oh my God, there’s no one here that speaks Russian. I’m gonna feel like this. I’m going to feel like that. What was going through your mind? 

Speaker 2: (05:52)
Yay. You know, it was crazy because, uh, first of all, in, in Russian schools, they teach you English, but they teach you British English. Uh, so I mean, I knew English pretty well until I came here. I hear like, I’m like, all right, God this, you know, like five years all but celebrated English program, like, I can do this, you know, I’ll, I’ll have no problem. And, um, I come here and I get out and I’m like, you know what, like is there’s just something awfully different about this English and then I realize that it doesn’t make any sense to me because it’s American English. Yeah. Look like, wow. Well I guess those five years just went out the window. Um, so yeah, I definitely had to kind of readjust, uh, and the, yeah. Get, get in the flow of things. But I mean, what can I say? Like, I was really good at math because in Russia they have, um, like they started teaching Algebra in fifth grade. So I come here six grade and they’re doing fractions and I’m like, Yo, I did that in my first grade. [inaudible] 

Speaker 2: (07:12)
I’m like, Yo, I got this old day. So yeah, they’re really good at math. But it’s an interesting thing about, about America man, is that like the mentality of people here is very different. Everybody’s, I’m definitely more outgoing, I would say in terms of, um, they don’t, they don’t allow, they allow themselves to dream. You know, in Russia it’s more about, there are very distinct individuals who go and accomplish extraordinary things, but the majority population there, they’re not like, you know, they’re not as crazy about, um, doing something out of like, they’re more of traditional, you know? I mean, they don’t have these crazy notions. I’m about happiness. Let’s say. They’re like, all right, well, I mean like you work, you work, like that’s just part of life. Here we have this whole thing like, oh, well your job has to make you happy. I mean, if you’re, if you’re making money and you’re, and you’re not happy, then you just definitely need it. 

Speaker 2: (08:17)
You’re not in the right fuel at all. Like you should definitely do something that brings you joy because work eight hours a day, if you’re doing something that you’re not happy about for eight hours a day, then that means that one, two thirds of your life is just just wasted on, that’d be, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. What’s was the point in living, but like, I mean, maybe I’m not, I can’t speak for the whole country. Obviously there’s, there’s a lot of, um, they, they don’t have that mentality yet and they do live in Russia. So it’s, it’s certainly not everybody. And it has gotten a lot better over the years because if you look back in like 1990 91, you know, just the collapse of the Soviet Union, I mean, happiness was not on the table like it w that was not, it was more about like, all right, how can we make this, like, how can, how can we like make it? Um, so yeah. And I really liked that. Oh about America, that everybody was like super ambitious and everybody was like very, um, conscious about their, their state of being, you know, uh, and everybody was striving to, uh, not just do the whole American dream thing, but, um, not that that relates mostly to material, um, happiness, but everybody was, it was, you know, uh, more outgoing in general. And I really liked that. Yeah. 

Speaker 1: (09:42)
Wow. You know what? I still, man, every time you turn on the news out there in America, and especially, you know, with the Trump era and everything happening, it’s always like, there’s always a negative connotation, a negative stench of stigma that surrounds rushing China. So most Americans, after seeing the knees over and over and over for years, they believe that there’s always something shady happening with the Russians. You know what I mean? It’s, there’s something shady with the Chinese and you know, they still label people as being black in America, which is just abhorrent. Um, but you know, I remember the first time I came across, this is like four years ago, right? And this family came in and I’m living outside of the outskirts of Bangkok, uh, at my job. And I saw his name and his name was Max. And I’m like, okay. 

Speaker 1: (10:34)
This Day was like Maximilian. And I’m like, okay. So, and I remember they told me, they’re like, oh, he’s a Russian kid. I was like, wow, I get to finally teach a Russian kid. You know what I mean? I was so happy. And so I finally, what is it? I finally met him and I met his family and his mother and how loud and wonderful beings they were. You know, they completely destroyed my paradigm about what I always believe Russia to be through the eyes of ridiculous ass media outlets. And this was just piling on top of what I already learned about Muslims because of course it’s like in America you’re literally taught to hate these specific people. But then when I’d met one hand in hand, you know, face to face in the south of Thailand, she was the most amazing Thai woman I’ve ever met in my life. So it was just me just ripping down my paradigm. One after another, after another change in the program and in my head. So when you went to America and people were saying, where are you from? Russia, was there like, was there a weird reaction with some of your classmates and whatnot? 

Speaker 2: (11:44)
No, not really because we, we did have other questions in the class. Um, and that was, uh, back in 2002 so yeah, not rec back then. Back then, things were I think different politically, first of all. Um, and that’s why it was like totally normal and there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of kids who, I mean, one third of my class. Hmm. Probably even, yeah, like about one third were all Olympic, like they were all kids who like going to speak English also from other countries as well. Um, so I kind just blend it in. 

Speaker 1: (12:19)
Wow. Yeah, that’s a, that’s just like a, what is it, the, at my Alma Mater, I had taught, you know, probably like, you know, like a half to like two dozen hours. Um, and I taught students from Mexico as Salvador, and some of them, they have good functional English, but others had just immigrated. So, uh, but they were just so grateful for learning and I brought a completely new sense and style to teach in versus a woman standing at an overhead projection, which is so 1990s, oh whoa. A overhead projector, which is like super 1990s and try to teach one by one. I’m like, this is garbage. So you went back to Russia and I’m not sure if this is for travel or visit, but here you are standing in front of a classroom, Eh, next. So, so you tell me what’s going on. 

Speaker 2: (13:09)
Yeah, so I w when I went, when I was in Russia, and the other thing I was doing is that I was writing my book called the other side. Okay. Uh, an ultimate guide to a mind, body and spirit mastery and a busy world. And so, which I’m probably in the going to be publishing. I’m doing self publishing, um, probably this September. So I’ll definitely keep, um, everybody posted up to that. But yeah, and because I wasn’t working, I actually had time to work on my book. And when you’re writing a book, it’s a, it feels very natural to talk about it because you know a lot about the subject you’re writing about it. Talking and talking, um, uh, or, or doing talks in relation to it. Oh, definitely helps you to explore it even further because then you get asked questions, you might think about it differently. 

Speaker 2: (14:00)
And so I was doing lectures, I was speaking, um, and schools and universities, uh, and the, it was either be, it was either kids who are about to go to college or are in our freshman year of college. And so I had a chance to want share with them the differences, um, between the, uh, well it started, everybody was really good. The curious tool to see the difference between the American school system and the Russian school system because I went to both, but the majority of all of the presentation was more geared toward our belief system and how we can really, um, facilitate our success from within and how we don’t necessarily need. She have a an unlimited amount of resources. How we need to be living in a different country, how each to have um, different or better mentors in our life or a different environment, how it all truly starts from within us and so that we are the, and therefore that we’re solid, efficient and that, you know, that was really, that was the most ideally perfect speech to give to these kids because a lot of them, they are living in this notion of I need to change my place of living in order to be successful. 

Speaker 2: (15:24)
There is no way that I can make it tool a to be where I want to be if I stay here. And I just told them that’s simply not true because the thing is like I know a lot of kids who went to America and they, you know, they’re, they’re far from successful. Like we started off in the same class we were in in middle school. We’re literally sitting side by side and they are nowhere near as some of my kids have. I saw my friends from Russia where they are right now, you know, like a lot of my friends, um, there that I went to school with or just knew, I mean, they’re really high up. I mean like this, this one kid, he just finished his masters. Um, he, uh, uh, is an architect and the other one, uh, uh, is a celebrator of startups. 

Speaker 2: (16:13)
He has, he has over 22 startups that he’s, that he’s launching in Russia internationally. You know what I mean? She’s not thinking about getting out of Russia anytime soon because he’s having the greatest time in his world right now. I mean, he’s making money like he is making bank. Like if you start, here’s this 28, if he stops working right now, he doesn’t have to work ever again. Wow. And, and so, uh, literally never again until he has his, his days are, he’ll be set, you know, um, Angus 28, you know, and so I a n really focused a lot of my talks on the topic that’s, uh, it really comes from within. It is, it is our mindset that makes a difference. If we have a selfless know there’s this thing right now that’s I just keep on seeing more and more. It’s limiting beliefs. 

Speaker 2: (17:06)
And I like, I like the fact like I liked the expression limiting beliefs, but it goes far beyond that because a limiting belief is a belief that’s limiting your, um, plan as to what you want to accomplish, what you want to do. Because you’re telling yourself like, hey, well I don’t have this and I don’t have that and until I have it that I’m against hard this business. And so that, that you’re limiting yourself. But it goes, the reason why I say it goes far beyond that, it’s because people are neglecting the, the fact of what a limiting belief does for not just not just your viewer mindset, but what does it do for your energy? What does it do for your motivation? What does it do for your outlook on the world around you? Because if you’re constantly limiting yourself with, with thoughts of why something isn’t perfect enough to you, for you to take the first step, you’re not just not taking the first step. 

Speaker 2: (18:07)
You’re seeing this whole world as limiting because then you’re like, all right, well, my environment has not given me the opportunity to take on this task. My parents have not given me the tools to make a good decision of whether or not what I want to do. My friends are, uh, weighing me down. I’m not in the right country. I’m not in the right place. I don’t go to the right college. You see what I mean? So your whole outlook on the world begins to, because to be limiting and it’s like the walls are starting to, to close in on you. And what they’re not realizing is that these walls, you are moving. You mean though? You are, it’s literally you closing the world in on yourself and you’re in full control of it. You can take these walls that you can open in the matter of a week in the matter of a week. This doesn’t have to take months and years. This is a one good week. And that’s it. And, and these kids, I mean, they’re just like, they’re looking at me like, wow. Like we never heard that before. 

Speaker 2: (19:12)
And I’m not surprised. I mean, I had never heard that before. Neither me neither. You know, I mean, like I researched it. I, I put things together and it was very constructed. My book is very, uh, it’s, it’s more like a research paper. I have over 103, uh, sources in it, credible scholarly articles or, um, material from coaches that have been doing this for a lot of time. Brian Tracy or Robin Sharma. Oh, Wayne Dyer. Um, and many, many more. And so my, my book is, it’s a compilation of, of information. It’s not just me waking up one morning and thinking, oh, today I realize this, let me write it down. And so, um, I, uh, was really happy to, to deliver. Uh, and I could see that it was a very, uh, um, mind shifting experience for a lot of kids who are hurting you. You know, when they walked out, it’s like of that classroom, it was the still the same school. 

Speaker 2: (20:16)
It was still the same walls and teachers and kids, but something inside of them film different. And that’s how I felt when I came to Russia. You see, which shows that the world around you could change if you look at it differently in apps because it starts to look different to you. And that is the absolute most key. And that is what I teach. I teach the fact that we are in control of our internal world, that we, we are in full control of how we perceive things of what we focus on because our reality really exists where we’re in the mind creates focus. Um, this is actually from the heart, Sutro of my high and Buddhism. Um, that’s one of the main, main principles. And it’s so true because if you focus on the lack of what you have, if you focus on what you don’t have, then you will continue that having it, I mean there’s, there’s not a single place, not a single country, not a single zip code, not a single anywhere continent in this world where we can focus on the unwanted and receive that. 

Speaker 2: (21:38)
What you do want there is not a single time when if you constantly think about how broke you are that you don’t have my, you can’t afford things. Why are you broke that your salary is not enough. They don’t have enough bank money in the bank. You’re going to become rich. You will never, I mean, I’m sorry like you are, I don’t want to sound like never going to become rich, but just to make the point is you are very unlikely to attract the wealth and the opportunities that will make you wealthy. Because why? Because you are focusing on that what you don’t want. So you continue having, having that. And then same thing with, with, with health. You know, people who are w I mean I, I meet these people at the time, my grandparents were one of these people, they’re always sick, always sick. 

Speaker 2: (22:24)
Why? Because all they think about is how sick they are. The second I went there, we didn’t just have a good diet. You know, we didn’t just exercise every day. We didn’t just go outside for walks. I had to reconstruct their way of thinking. I have to deviate their focus from everything that is wrong in their body. That hurts. That’s okay. Wasn’t to just anything else, you know. And that is when we start seeing big changes. That’s when we started, started seeing results. Um, and yeah, you know, therefore the whole experience in Russia, it was just absolutely trans transformational. I mean, I came back, came back here, I was a different person. 

Speaker 1: (23:09)
Wow. Yeah, I bet. I mean, I’ve been listening to a lot of Bruce Lipton lately and he talks about epigenetics and how, you know, our environment and you know, how a baby begins learning at about six months. So if the father talks to the baby through the wall of, of course the stomach, uh, when the baby actually comes out, they will know of course, uh, who was speaking to them at that time versus, you know, in reality after they come out the womb. So again, it depends if the parents are arguing, if the mother’s arguing six months, seven months, eight months, that will affect, and this is how added to is built into everything. It’s Kinda like when I see a lot of my students out here and some of them, you know, I have one student that said, you know, I’m really afraid of a big black men. 

Speaker 1: (24:00)
And I’m like, okay, so you’re afraid of big black man. This is interesting. So how did this happen? You know, where did the attitude come from? And a lot of it traces back to their parents. So it’s not their fault that they hold such a perception and it’s not exactly, we’ll of course in this case, yes it is wrong, but the blueprints that we hold, it can be a financial group plan. Um, it can be a geographical blueprint, it could be a social blueprint. A lot of these are created probably within the wound coming all the way out. So about seven, eight years old because again, that’s when children are in their Feta Phage, the imaginative side, you know, so a lot of things, this is how children could learn like five languages in one go. Right? You know, when they’re younger, because again, it’s all subconscious mind. 

Speaker 1: (24:49)
The conscious mind is a created a little bit later. Like first, second, third grade or whatever. So I’m like limiting beliefs. I was supposed to have this, another podcast get like uploaded just last week. But then of course wifi problems, tech, technological problems. But this girl coach by the name of Chancla at a Switzerland, she helped me with my limiting belief in my limiting belief was that yeah, her little outtake out of it. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know, she was talking about, you know, I was always in tune with what others may be thinking about me. Now I’ve heard with Jay, Jason Silva said that two, three years ago. But it never stuck when she said it. It stuck. And then when I changed that my entire environment changed the way people reacted the way this and that. And it’s not just, it’s not just men per se, age women primarily. 

Speaker 1: (25:47)
You know what I mean? So yeah, just really amazing how, um, those limited beliefs that we do. So because that limiting belief was Thai women hate black men. You know, and I’ve always, I cause me being out here in six years, I have stories for days, but I tell myself this because it makes me feel comfortable. Not only that, but my body gets a high off that type of energy. So it’s kind of like, okay, APM, what am I normally do? And I’m normally judging people by the way. How, you know, how they looked at me on the train when I’m going home or this or that, or the women who grabbed their purses when I walked by. You know what I mean? It wasn’t until I said, okay, this is the belief. I have the belief I’m going to do away with it. And then after that, everything began to change. You know, people were more welcoming. People begin smiling at me. People have started having conversations with me and I’m speaking primarily, you know, through the eyes of Thai women. So yeah, I mean those limited beliefs, a lot of us have that. So when it comes to limited beliefs, 

Speaker 2: (26:59)

Speaker 1: (26:59)
Dan, what is it? What are some techniques that of course, listeners both in ESL room doesn’t really matter about personal development in general. How can they begin to start just chipping away at these beliefs that they have? Is it like identification and then say to themselves, okay, could it be affirmations? What is it? 

Speaker 2: (27:18)
Yeah, no but, and before I answer that I you just want to touch on something extremely or did you said you see how your limiting belief that in just it, it, it’s almost magically changed the world around you. Right? Like that’s crazy. It’s your thinking like but how does that work? How does something that I internally perceive and tell myself that is true? How is that going to change the world around me? And that’s why this this phrase expand so much further then the media portrays it to be, it’s not just about limiting your success, it really is about not seeing, not that, not that are not seen, but it’s really about having them power to manipulate and control the world. Not just in you but around you. Do you see how like your change of perception somehow changed the world that is around you. 

Speaker 2: (28:20)
So the people that you see, the conversations that you have, the reactions that you get, I mean that like people think like, but how does that work? How is that possible in outside help is because whatever you focus, think back to, to what we said earlier, that um, Audi exists where the mind creates focus. If you focus on, on the fact that, um, Thai woman hate black men, you are creating, you’re literally creating reality because, and a physical and metaphysical level. So on a physical level, whenever you see a Thai woman, you look at her differently. You might not notice this, but you’re expecting, you’re expecting for her to hate you or for her to not like you. And so you’re looking at her like, oh, this chick man, she probably hate takes me. You might not have a mirror in front of you. You might not have a mirror in front of you to look at. 

Speaker 2: (29:21)
Yours may hate it, but your body language is, is difference. It’s, it’s more stand offish. It’s, it’s more unwelcoming. You might not notice it, but they notice it. You see that? Yeah. That’s the physical level. That’s the physical level metaphysically is that you are attracting more. You’re literally attracting, because we’re magnetic, we’re magnetically charged. We have the ability to attract. And so whatever you focus on the fact [inaudible] the thoughts that Thai woman don’t like black men, you’re literally attracting both tie women that don’t like black men that actually don’t like black men. Yeah. This there, they’re somehow popping up in your way. There’s somehow finding you, there’s somehow just ending up on the same train at eight o’clock in the same cart with you. Yes. Yes. 

Speaker 2: (30:19)
It’s, it’s like it’s, it sounds magical, but if this is all metal metal, um, well, quantum physics, this is, this is all quantum physics. Um, which I studied in and I write about in my book, but to answer the question of, all right, so we know this information. That sounds great. That sounds good. So what exactly do we do about it? It’s becoming the first thing. It’s like, so you go to, you go to a mechanic, right? Would you car and your car is broken. You get there. The only way, the one only way she can ever possibly fixed your car is if he identifies what the problem is. Huh? Until she knows why is your car broken? He will never be able to fix it. That’s the bottom line. Okay. In order for us to, I did that to get rid of our limiting beliefs. 

Speaker 2: (31:16)
We have to, I realize, what are they? We have to realize that we are having them. We have to become aware all of our thoughts that then create these beliefs. Until we do that, until we identify the problem and so identify where it is, my limiting belief stemming from, we’re not going to be able to fix it. We’re not going to be the fixer. That’s, that’s just the thing and that’s the whole like movement that we have right now is that everybody thinks like mindfulness equals spirituality and spirituality equals mindfulness. There. It’s a branch within a branch because mindfulness is being aware off your thoughts because your thoughts are the ones that then trigger your emotions, your beliefs, and ultimately your mood, your outlook, your perspective. You see it all. It all starts with, with your thoughts. Whenever you have an emotion, it never comes out of nowhere. 

Speaker 2: (32:21)
Whenever you feel angry, you feel angry because of something because you’re angry at something. The reason why you’re angry at it because you perceive, perceive it to be aggravating. You perceive it to be aggravating because of the way you will think about it. See, think about it. Thoughts. And therefore the number one thing that, the number one strategy, um, that I teach to my clients and the, um, I just is to one, become aware of, all right, so let’s for example, say that, uh, I, uh, yeah, I, I can’t, I can’t start this business because I don’t have the proper tools. Okay, no problem. Can’t start the business because you don’t have proper tools. No problem. A lot of people end up in this situation now proper too. What does that mean? So I might not have a fast computer because then I can’t upload my videos fast enough. 

Speaker 2: (33:20)
All right. Sure. Great, great. So is that like not nothing back? So is the reason why you really can’t start this business is because you don’t have a fast computer that can upload the content that you creating in order to do advertising, social media and everything else faster? Is that really the reason? And then you start thinking like, well, I mean, I guess there there’s, there’s like a way around it. Um, and I can figure something out. Sure, no problem. What if it’s something a little more complicated? What it’s like, I don’t have the business mindset. Sure, no problem. Don’t have a business business mindset. That’s all that, that’s not as straightforward as getting a faster computer or finding ways around it. But here you are. You might think, all right, but where is that coming from? Why do I think that I need to have a certain mindset to do this particular business? 

Speaker 2: (34:15)
What is it about the mindset that I have right now? What is it about it that is not enough? You know, what else do I do I need to have. And then often enough, you’ll start when you start thinking about this, you’re like, wait a minute, there’s nothing wrong with my mindset. Aye. I think I can actually very well do this. But that’s will only happen if you big deep inside of yourself and find out where is this coming from. It could be are literally coming. I mean I have, I had clients where, you know, they’re, they, they had this belief because somebody told them that in like seventh grade and now they’re 26 and so the, and the, it happened so long ago. Did that move so long ago? They forgot even happened. Well, one of the happened, it was a very excited experience for them and then it’s sunk into them and it kinda became part of their personality. 

Speaker 2: (35:15)
And so their first job they went to and found a job, they didn’t, they didn’t go and like look, try and start a business. Like, no, I’m just meant to work for Paychex my entire life. That’s what I’m going to do. You know? It wasn’t until they like, think about this, this happens a seventh grade until 26 so that’s 14 years, 14 years of living this this week. That wasn’t there even true. Yeah. You know, that was inside of them that was put inside of them and they, they just realize that as and and uh, and adopted it as their own and allowed it to truly limit them, you know? So being aware, just ask yourself, make a list, make a list of every single thing that is, that is just fucking up your day in terms of your everyday or, or whatever. Just to live you mean? 

Speaker 2: (36:13)
I mean do you mean like five items? Even like five items that you are that are truly, you feel like they’re holding you back? We take one at a time, one by one and be like, all right, just ask yourself a simple question. One question. Where is this coming from? Why do I think this? Why do I think this? And just think about it. You don’t have to write anything down. You don’t, you don’t have to even do anything. Just, just a sit anywhere. And just think about it. You know, that is the very, very first step with until you do that, there’s, there’s nothing to fix. Okay. 

Speaker 1: (36:50)
Right. Challenge accepted for everyone out there. Okay. Dan is going to be waiting for you on Instagram because again, I got such a huge following and whatnot and I got a lot of Russian bugs that [inaudible] too. So I want you guys to message then and post it on his wall. The five limiting beliefs. Five items. He said. Yes, 

Speaker 2: (37:11)
right? They’re in my Instagram. Bang, Ginsburg underscore. 

Speaker 1: (37:14)
Oh, there you go. Oh, that’s awesome. Okay, so you have another TV. That’s really cool. Okay. Okay, so for those of you who are possibly watching this on video, on Youtube, you guys can check that out. I’ll make sure that I try to get this snippet and post it on Instagram too for you guys. And then post is Lincoln there so you guys can go there and do the stories, all that good stuff. Oh, bad dad, this was a dirty, it’s a talk this off. I’m going to give you two words. 

Speaker 2: (37:42)

Speaker 1: (37:45)
What’s the Souk Seuss Hook Seuss mean? What does both, it’s a vinegar. That’s right. That’s right. My student taught, I filled out two words. He taught me vinegar and he taught me so 

Speaker 2: (38:01)
which one 

Speaker 1: (38:02)
sows sows 

Speaker 2: (38:04)
Susan. Yeah. 

Speaker 1: (38:06)
So is it so or about so, so, so yeah. It’s like sauce. Yeah. Right. Wow. I don’t even know how to say hello. I know. I don’t even know how to say hello in Russian. You know what I mean? So as long as you know those two words, you good. [inaudible] sauce and vinegar people come on. Help me here. Oh my God. That’s awesome. But Yeah, bad dad. I appreciate it so much for coming on here. Um, for everyone who’s interested and of course I’m going to Revit, all your links and a lot of taggings and challenges of course. Guys, make sure that you guys are following me on Instagram and you’re going to see Dan’s name and the stories and the photo and this and that and video. Um, where can people get in touch with you if they are interested, especially in that book. That should be, 

Speaker 2: (38:55)
we launch it within a couple of months. Yeah, definitely. A, so then Ginsburg, um, on Instagram you can reach me there from my Instagram. You can check out my, I actually have a free audio book, which [inaudible] so a little deviation from my main one that I released. It’s only an hour long. Um, and it’s very insightful. It deals a lot with unlocking the ultimate state of flow, a state where we can, you can accomplish things very, very easily and not be weighed down by limiting beliefs and other things. Um, so that could be downloaded on my Instagram and the also my website, uh, h s As for human social movements, I definitely have a lot of good content there. I have my blog there, uh, so you can check it out and um, yeah, so we’ll, I’ll, I’ll link that in. And uh, so you guys can easily access it. 

Speaker 1: (39:53)
Awesome. Yeah, so again, I see the hs right there in the background along with their Instagram looking all flashy. You know what I’m saying? But it’s just, I love it because you’re the second, 

Speaker 2: (40:04)
ah, of course like Russian entrepreneur and whatnot that I’ve actually brought onto my, uh, 

Speaker 1: (40:09)
my ESL podcasts. The other one was Veronica. She was from way out there, eastern Russia near the China border. I don’t know if that’s Siberia. Yeah. So you’ve got western and eastern. That could’ve been another topic we could have touched upon, but I’d definitely have to bring you back on for some more conversations. And Man, Dan, such a plum pleasing pleasure, man. 

Speaker 2: (40:29)
Yes, thank you. Thank you. I had a blast. A, I’m really, really thankful that you all brought me on and I had a chance to. Huh. I’m gonna reach out to your audience and hope that’s, um, at least one thing we’ve covered today will be insightful for them. 

Speaker 1: (40:42)
Absolutely. Thank you so much. And guys, if you liked this podcast, make sure you leave a review, get in touch with dad, see what he has going on over there and stay tuned for more. I love bringing these on. And of course this one is in video form. So if you guys want to see the video form of this, make sure you tune into my youtube, which is the r saying me, Yo buck you could just literally find it anywhere. Just put Arsenio, but you’ll find it. And with that being said again, Dan, thank you so much. And guys stay tuned for more. I’m your host as always over and out.

Published by thearseniobuckshow

An English teacher, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker living in Thailand. For those people who are looking into becoming entrepreneurs, personal development, food/health, and even students who are looking at taking test preparation courses - this blog and website (soon) will feature all of it!

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