Sometimes, a map completion task asks you to identify an area on a map then choose an answer from a list. For this type of question, you need to familiarize yourself with both the list of options and the features on the map before you start.

Test tip: Before you listen, read the option several times so that you become familiar with the information you need to listen for. Don’t cross out any options unless you are sure they are wrong. If you can’t decide between two answers, write both down and decide later.

Follow me on this YouTube link at the 10:00 mark.

Here’s the photo of the map and answers.



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Published by thearseniobuckshow

An English teacher, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker living in Thailand. For those people who are looking into becoming entrepreneurs, personal development, food/health, and even students who are looking at taking test preparation courses - this blog and website (soon) will feature all of it!

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