We’re back with some more grammar! In this one I’m going to explain stance markers, intonation to express feelings and attitudes, and changing a conversation topic and returning to it.

So, stance markers are used by speakers to express their attitude about ideas they are presenting. They help us know if an idea is an opinion or a fact. Some ways we can express stances are.

  • with a single adverb.

Frankly, that sounds like a bad idea.

Actually, being able to fly from country-to-country was a major turning point in human history.

  • with adverbial clauses and prepositional phrases. In order not to sound impolite, try to support your stance with facts and relevant information.

As a matter of fact, I didn’t do the project alone. I got help from everyone around me.

To put it bluntly, we lost pretty bad at the chess tournament.

To be honest, I really don’t understand what my boss wants from me. He hasn’t clarified my role.

  1. Listen to each conversation and choose an appropriate response.

1. Frankly, it’s too dangerous. / Actually, it’s my favorite thing.

2. Yeah, luckily it was late at night. No one was there. / Actually it’s next week.

3. To be blunt, I thought it was boring. / Frankly, I’m not interested.

4. To be honest, I can’t. My friend did it. / Actually, I can’t go. I’m busy.

Skillful 3


Published by thearseniobuckshow

An English teacher, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker living in Thailand. For those people who are looking into becoming entrepreneurs, personal development, food/health, and even students who are looking at taking test preparation courses - this blog and website (soon) will feature all of it!

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