Welcome back to compound nouns and adjectives, everyone! This is related to science, so check out these compounds, match the definitions and complete the rest of the tasks below.

  1. Outlook
  2. Drawback
  3. Outcome
  4. Feedback
  5. Outset
  6. Outbreak
  7. Cutback
  8. Crackdown

a. beginning, start

b. result

c. reduction in something (the amount of money spent)

d. strong action that someone in authority takes to stop a particular activity.

e. sudden start of war, disease, violence, etc

f. disadvantage

g. idea of what a situation will be like in the future/your general attitude to things

h. comments about how well or badly someone is doing something, intended to help them to do it better.

Task 2

Match 1-8 and a-h. Are the words compound nouns or compound adjectives? Are they written as one word, one word with a hyphen, or two words?

  1. Genetically
  2. set
  3. high
  4. life
  5. world
  6. break
  7. off
  8. worth

a time

b wide

c through

d while

e modified

f back

g risk

h spring

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Published by thearseniobuckshow

An English teacher, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker living in Thailand. For those people who are looking into becoming entrepreneurs, personal development, food/health, and even students who are looking at taking test preparation courses - this blog and website (soon) will feature all of it!

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