Welcome back to some more writing skills, people! Now, the difference between Developing Writing and Writing Skills is one focuses on developing specific skills needed in writing and this one implements the skills to begin with . So, let’s get into this!

When you’re writing your first draft, don’t worry about style or good English at this stage — IT’S A DRAFT.

Focus on the assignment questions.

Clarify your points. Write out your central ideas, hypotheses, conclusions, or the main direction of your line of reasoning.

Write headings and subheadings. Use your plan to identify these.

Add in supporting details below each heading.

Link it up. Write your headings and points into sentences.

Stick to your plan. Keep looking back to it after writing each paragraph.

Go back to the assignment title and its central questions. Be a harsh critic of your own work .

Discussion Topic – American Food vs. Thai Food

In the podcast, I will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of eating Thai food vs. American food.

After that, I’ll figure out the core points I would like to include. Then, I’ll break down the main ideas into headings and subheadings.

Tune into the podcast!


Published by thearseniobuckshow

An English teacher, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker living in Thailand. For those people who are looking into becoming entrepreneurs, personal development, food/health, and even students who are looking at taking test preparation courses - this blog and website (soon) will feature all of it!

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