Welcome back, everyone! It’s time to dig deeper into Thought Groups!


  • How to divide your speech into Thought Groups.
  • How Thought Groups help listeners process what is being said.

Fluent speakers don’t often organize their speeches into Thought Groups in English. If you look at Tony Robbins, for instance, he RARELY uses Thought Groups and that’s why it becomes very difficult for people to understand him.

However, other people like Vishen Lakhiani, Jim Quick, Tom Bilyeu and other entrepreneurs do……

Thought Groups Writing

“Hello/ This is Arsenio / he’s from America and teaches English here. / If you have any questions, / please feel free to ask.

That’s how thought groups are divided.


In my podcast, practice the thought groups you see down below.

  1. 7-week-long vacations /// 7/ week-long vacations.
  2. 3-hour-long exams /////// 3 / hour-long exams.
  3. 49-cent stamps ////// 40 / 9-cent stamps
  4. Please call me Ben. /////// Please call me, Ben.
  5. Who’s hiring Julia? //////// Who’s hiring, / Julia?
  6. Slow men working. ////// Slow/ men working.

Published by thearseniobuckshow

An English teacher, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker living in Thailand. For those people who are looking into becoming entrepreneurs, personal development, food/health, and even students who are looking at taking test preparation courses - this blog and website (soon) will feature all of it!

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